Thursday, July 14, 2011

Door Basket

When I saw the picture of this basket, I didn't realize how thin it was.  After I decided to make this basket, and started cutting reed and reading the instruction, things started to be really confusing to me, because it seemed like there wasn't enough stakes, then I realize it uses a Tulip D handle as a base and that's the size of the base!! The instruction used brown and rust but I didn't have any rust colored reed...(I really don't know what color rust is.. is it orange or is it red??)  Anyway I made this and it screams Thanksgiving so I will be using this during Thanksgiving for decoration .. maybe put some flower in it? we'll see.. but here is a free pattern Autum Wall Basket at Bases to weave.  I'll post a update with picture later when I use this to decorate.. (ok if I remember I will post new pictures)

happy weaving!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Not sure what they are really called but in Hawaii they called this dish Taegu.   Maybe because the origin of the dish is Korea?? not sure but when I lived in Hawaii, I bought them at supermarket when ever I wanted to but in Indiana no such luck.  So why not make my own? I know there are some made out of dried cod and also with cuttlefish or squid.  I personally like the dried seasoned shredded squid/cuttlefish  version so that's what I made today.

You may not know what a seasoned dried squid or cuttlefish so here is a picture of  a package.  This was not the brand I used but they are pretty much the same even if they are called cuttlefish.  Make sure its not the HOT ones though.   If you want to make smaller amount to try, just cut the recipe in half, should taste the same.. you may regret not making more though!

You'll need:

12oz prepared shredded squid or cuttle fish cut to bite size or shred them more if they are big and chunky.
1/4 cup Korean hot pepper paste
3tbsp water
3Tbs sugar
1Tbs corn syrup
2 Tbsp sesame seed
3 cloves garlic paste

Put the cuttlefish/squid in a large bowl.

In a frying pan over med-low heat,  heat all except sesame seed and the squid until well combined and the sugar has melted.  Once the sauce is glossy and shiny  take it off of heat (don't let it boil or scorch it'll become hard like candy and we don't want that! all we want to do is melt the sugar and make sure they are well incorporated!)

pour the sauce over the prepared squid, mix well to coat all pieces.  When they are combined, sprinkle with sesame seed.  You can eat it right now or pack it in air tight container in the fridge.  Its a bit spicy but the sweetness brings balance to the dish  and it goes really well with white rice!

hope you give it a try!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Patio Furniture Fixes

we've had our patio furniture for a while now.. We where not good owners and did not cover them during the winter or the hot hot summer when we where not using them.  The element has been really hard on them and the fabric where dirty and yucky so last year I thought I was sooo brilliant!!! lets wash them! Power wash them on low pressure and surely they will get clean! well, even though the fabric was water resistant and good heavy canvas it was no match for the power washer ... no matter if its on the low pressure setting.  To make this long story short, it made the fabric weak and some parts had a little rips in it.   well, we used it last summer and fall and winter came hard hard hard Indiana winter came, then spring and when we where ready to use them, these cushions where nasty as can be!! ripped and yucky but the frame where in great shape.

2 chairs and 2 ottoman, and a love seat all with over sized stuffed cushions! all yucky! Here are some pictures of them.

ottoman with a big rip!!
Very tired chair

We thought about just pitching them and buying new ones but could not find a nice set as these that didn't cost a fortune!  While contemplating on spending a fortune or settling for cheaper ones, my friend said why don't you just cover them up?? Well, why not! its a brilliant idea!  went to one of my favorite fabric store Jo-Ann's with my hubby and we picked out this print by Christopher Lowell. (sorry not very goo picture)

Its outdoor canvas so it should be strong enough for the outside element  but after working hard on these I am going to use a cover and make sure to keep them covered when its not in use! even in the summer!  This will insure that they will last longer and keep them clean that we can sit on them as soon as we take the covers off!  We also decided on tiling the table to give it a different look.

I looked around and originally wanted to do glass mosaic but I found out that they will cost a lot more then buying a new table, so decided to tile them.  While at Lowes I saw really cute glass tiles, again too expensive to do the whole table.. I guess I can say I have good taste but if you are refurbishing a table, you don't want to spend more then what it would cost to buy a new table.  after looking at all the different tiles we found these 6" stick on slate tile wannbes.

To do the table, this is a aluminum table, so first you need to sand the table so the construction adhesive will stick the backerboard to the table to make it a flat surface where the tiles will go.

 glue the backerboard to the table and turn it upside down and put something heavy on it.  Or you can use clamps if you want.

don't make the same mistake we did by marking the backerbords!! read the instruction on the self sticking tiles!! we had to prime it! 2X why? I don't know they said we had to so another trip to the Lowes later we where ready!

I forgot to take pictures when hubby glued the wooden strips to the side of the table!!   He got stained wood strips and miter cut the ends and gorilla glued it to the side of the table. Clamped them with those strap clamp and let it cure over night.  The next day we where ready to go!

Mark the center of the table but drawing a line from corner to corner. then top to bottom matching centering at the X .  then start tiling, using the spacer.

 So its done and its ready for grout!!

 we grouted with ready to use grout because the instruction said so and because of the ease! we did not need a lot of it.. we still have tub full of grout.. maybe I need to find more things to grout so it won't go to waste??

grout, scrape, sponge Work little at a time,

Its done and we need to let it sit for 7 hours for sure before touching it! and in 7 days it'll be fully cured! 

So we went from this .......


This! what do you think??

Its all done! currently, I'm working on pillows and Poufs I'll post again when I'm all done!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Bzzz bee basket

Last week I posted that I was working on a basket just like the Pine cone Centerpiece by Suzanne Moore but instead I was using the bee hive sleeve.  I finally finished it! and here it is! drum roll please.....

I did make a little mistake which I only noticed after I lashed so figured to forget I found a mistake.  Can you tell what I did wrong??? if you under the sleeve, you'll notice dyed row, then natural then sleeve.  you look on top of the sleeve, you'll see 2 natural then the dyed! yup I put one row too many!! oh well, Its my basket I'm keeping so I'm not going to unlash and do over, that's for sure!!

Ok so what did I do different then the pattern? for one, instead of natural stakes, I put golden yellow stakes on each side of the reed where the sleeve will be. 

and one more thing I changed was the back of the sleeve.  The instruction said to cut the insert reed at the top of the sleeve, but instead I wove it in and cut where it would not show. (if you make this basket you'll know what I'm talking about.  This way you won't see it.

This is my first basket using sleeve and this pattern you weave the sleeve into the basket.  I assume, you could attach the sleeve to the basket once its done, and change the sleeve to match the season like you would a buckle.  I've never done it so I'm just guessing, if anyone have experience with sleeves you can let me know if you can or not!  Happy Weaving!

Friday, July 1, 2011

basket I'm working on

Hi everyone!  yesterday I finished a small basket that I covered a glass jar and then started working on this cute basket and was hoping to finish and have pictures taken and blog written but with my oldest son getting in car accident, probably his car, wait my husband's car (its still in hubby's name) is totaled and now working with the insurance company to have this processed quickly to get him another car, and the 4th of July around the corner (hubby's family coming over for BBQ, Fireworks or and Parade) finishing outdoor furniture projects (post coming soon) and not to mention my 5 year old sitting on my lap and wanting to help and constantly asking me when we are going to see Transformer's new movie, I just don't see me getting the basket finished and posted so I'll give you a link to see the basket and later I will post what I  did different .

click here! I'm not doing it in Pine cone, I chose bee hive, its so stinking cute!  isn't it cute?

 Here are other ceramic sleeves available! You can change the color of the reed you use and have really cute basket of your choice.  I used black and yellow to go with the bee theme!

 Happy Weaving!