Last week I found this book called WOOL BUDDIES by Jackie Huang, I'm sure you can find it at any book store. I saw it and fell in love with these characters on the book. Its a needle felting book. what is a needle felting? well, I've always wondered about it but expected it to be really hard but this book just captured my heart and I had to make them no matter how hard it is!! so I purchased a felting sponge, needles and some wool. came home and just like that I was off!! it was so simple and so easy, I am in love with needle felting!! I can't stop.
this is the first thing I made!!
and more
and more
I made the first part of the book all the simple ones and ordered more wool!! I can't wait to start on the second part of the book!!
they will be here in couple of days I can't wait!!
I have not forgotten about basket weaving! I have 2 basket I was working on and I will post the patterns soon!!