for all three basket you'll need 1/2"flat, 1/4" flat, 3/8" flat, and no2 round natural and dyed.
cut: Sml 6@13-1/12" & 6@11-1/2"
Med 8@16" & 8@12-1/2
LG 10@19" & 10@14-1/2"
Mark all spokes at half on the wrong side and soak them in warm water
Take one of the long stakes and start weaving over and under with the remaining stakes. Place the first one just below the pencil marks on the long side. Pencil mark on the short side is not important right now.
Weave rest of the long stakes
weave the short stakes above the long stakes like the picture align them on the left side and only weaving in on the long stakes and leaving the short ones unwoven (it may sound like crazy talk but believe me it'll be ok!)
measure the base and make sure they are
Lg: 9"X9"
Med: 7"X7"
Sml: 5"X5"
We'll stop here for today! I will post the second
take 1 piece of no2 round and twine the base once.
twine only the woven part. when you are done you should have twined a outline of capital L like shape.
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