Friday, March 11, 2011

Flan, purin, Egg Custard

 what ever you call it its a tasty tasty sweet concoction.  I was very surprised to hear that some Americans have either never heard of or tried Flan.  Maybe its just Indiana people who haven't tried flan but in Japan where I'm from everyone loves Purin (that's what we call it there).  Now I will also post a recipe but I'm going to suggest you try the Jello or the Goya brand Flan its simple and I think they taste pretty good.  of course made from scratch would taste better but if you think about the time it'll take to make it I think the Jello brand is pretty darn good.
 So when you open this box you'll find two pouches, foil pouch and paper pouch.  Take the foil pouch which includes the caramel sauce snip the corner and evenly pour them into a custard cup or any cup you'll be using.  I used the disposable 4oz cups with lid.  (I was making tons of these for my craft group girls and their kids) then in a sauce pan with 2 cups of milk 2% or whole milk works best add the powder in the paper package.  Mix well, over medium heat until it comes to a rolling boil. Pour over the caramel sauce carefully not to disturb the sauce, chill 2 hours in the fridge and you are done! I made 4 boxes and used the 4oz cup so put 1/3 cups of the custard cream = butt load of Purin!

Recipe for from the scratch Purin
Makes 4 custard cups
2 eggs
3 Tbsp Sugar
5/6 cups warm milk
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

caramel sauce:
1/4 cup sugar
2Tbsp water
1tsp hot water
unsalted butter for custard cups

1. butter the custard cup set aside and preheat oven to 320F

2. make the caramel sauce.  place sugar and water in a sauce pan, bring to a boil and cook until the mix turns golden brown. Keep mixing to brown evenly and then add hot water, remove from heat pour evenly into the buttered cups.

3. make purin.  Whisk eggs and sugar in a bowl.  Gently stir in warm milk and run the mixture through a sieve, add vanilla extract, pour the mixture in prepared custard cup.

4. place the cups in a baking pan filled with boiling water 1/4 way up the custard cups. (you can put the pan with the cups in the oven rack and use a kettle to boil water and pour it into the pan)

5. bake in 320F for 20 min.  carefully check to see if the purin set by carefully touching the surface with a finger. if its set remove from oven and chill.  if its not set keep it in oven until it is set.  check every few min. 


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