Thursday, March 17, 2011

Napkin Basket

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been posting in several days but with all that's going on in Japan, I was scrambling to get a hold of family and friends to make sure they are all ok and also caring for my son who was sick over the weekend. My friends and family are all ok but I am still sick about what have happened to Japan.  Please Pray for people of Japan and give if you can.  I posted a link on the right to Red cross and Lutheran World Relief. 

Today I want to share a very popular basket among the girls here who are learning the way of the basket. They chooses this basket to be their 4th or 5th basket they make for some reason.  Maybe because its stinking cute and once you see it you just want it even if you already have a napkin holder.
You can get the free pattern from Basket Maker's Catalog  Love the wire star but you can use different wire shapes.. I plan on making apple ones for my son's teacher's end of school teacher's gift.. not sure if I'm going to make this basket or a different ones yet but I got the apple wires ready to go!  Basket Maker's Catalog carries just about anything you need to make any basket! Love them for putting up so many cute cute cute free basket patterns! Thank you Basket Maker's Catalog!! you rock!  I am going to try to finish a picnic basket I started last week so I can post here soon but I think I'm getting plagued by a headache so maybe I should shower and go to bed early tonight.  Thanks for stopping by! come back soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to know your friends and family are heart aches for Japan, and I'm praying.
