first you need a basket that has a 2 or more rounds of 1/2" or wider reed between a 1/4" weaver. This can be a simple round basket or a waste basket like the one I made here.
put the free end through the same space as the other end
Pull it through, one heart made!
try to make all the heart about the same size!
We start again, next available 1/4" space
Pull it through, find the place you want to make a point, crimp.
pull the free end under the loop connecting to the previous heart and back down the 1/4" weaver.
pull through and continue making hearts when you make the last heart, you'll need to cut the No3 reed when you reach the starting end. tuck under it as it is connected and if you want to use insta-cure glue just to make sure it is there for good feel free to use it.
isn't it the cutest wastebasket ever??
Beautiful basket and great tutorial. it is so hard to keep red reed from bleeding onto the natural. Your's looks great!