Friday, April 29, 2011


I'm sure you all know what cake pop is right?  Even Starbucks is getting into the rage!! the problem is, Starbucks version which is obviously is mass produced and not so tasty.   If you have never had one ever, please don't let Starbuck's version be the one!! I'd hate for you to think that's what they taste like.  So if you have never had one before what do you do??  You can make them yourself!! its easy and soooo tasty!! really these are moist sweet bites of heaven!! mmmm they are soooo good. 

I didn't know these things existed until several months ago,  I walked into Target and this book caught my eye.  What are cake pops??

I've never seen such cute things! Very intrigued I purchased this book. read through it, and found out she also have a website!!  I visit her often and get inspiration and motivation.  I do recommend you purchase this book! it is very useful, colorful and just stinking cute!!! Anyway first time I made this cup cake pop for hubby and his office.. they all loved it!! So this year for Easter instead of my famous sugar cookies I made these cute cute chicks!! aren't they the cutest ever?? did I mention how tasty they are??
You use a cake box mix and a tub of frosting to make these things. I do use a food service glove to roll them just because I like to use them and keep the melted candy coating warm by putting the tub of them in a bowl of hot water. (sort of like double boiling but off the stove)  They went quick and they where loved by all! Did I mention they are tasty??

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