Monday, October 24, 2011

Pao de Queijo Brazilian Cheese puffs

Several months ago my husband and I went to this event called Devour Downtown Indy with his siblings and their spouses (minus one boring sibling and wife).  We went to Fogo De Chao which is a Brazilian Steak House! have you been there?? its insane! all you can eat place where gauchos (Brazilian dudes) brings you chunk of meat on a sword to your table and cuts off a slice on your plate.  Anyway they have tons of different kind of meat and poultry and you can keep eating until you are stuffed and can't breath anymore.  They also bring you these cheese puff bread and they are sooo tasty! its cheesy puffy and light.  one of my sister in law was not a fan but other sister in law and I thought they were simply divine! While surfing the net I stumbled upon this recipe and decided to give it a try, you use a blender so its really simple! here is a Link to the cheese bread.

In a blender add eggs
 Milk and oil

Cheese and tapioca starch
 blend well

 in a mini muffin tin and bake

I had to change my cooking time and lower temp wee bit due to my muffin tin being really tiny compared to normal mini muffin tin and darker so they baked darker.  They where cheesy and tasty and light yummy.  Next time I may use the cheese they recommend.

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