Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pumpkin gooey butter cake

 I had leftover pumpkin puree from Thanksgiving dinner,   I got a big can to make 2 pumpkin pie but I only made one  so I put the remaining pumpkin in a ziplock and froze it.  So I decided to make Paula Dean's Pumpkin gooey butter cake.

all you need is a 1 box of cake mix, 2 stick of butter (yes its Paula's recipe) 4 eggs, 1-15oz pumpkin puree,  1- 8oz block of cream cheese, 1pound powdered sugar, some vanilla extract and cinnamon and nutmeg.  Paula's recipe link.  Its quick, its easy and most item you'll find in your pantry and the fridge. its very sweet so next time I may cut down on the powdered sugar. 

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