Thursday, March 10, 2011

Creepy Cute!

Well, what a week I've been having!! I wish it was good week but its been on the poo poo side!  Started off with leaky roof..  We just got new roof put on couple of months ago!! Then the water started to seep through the crack between the wall and a floor in the basement/craft room right behind my craft shelf.. so I spent most of my weekend, wet vacuuming, air blowing, towel drying my craft area and on the occasion I got to work on something yet new again!! I've been wanting to share this with you all since Sunday!! let me tell you how I came to find this creepy cute things!! My wonderful hubby said why don't you go out and do something by yourself? So naturally, I armed my self with the JoAnn's Sunday Flier (they had multiple of coupons this week) went there looking for fabric to make some liner and cover for my baskets, found really cute cute fabrics.. once I make the liners and covers I will post them.  anyway so got my fabrics, didn't want to go home yet, so I looked and looked, thought maybe I'll get some inspiration, then I remember about Red twig brown twigs needle felting which I really want to learn, so as she suggested, I looked for a book on needle felting animals.  No such luck but what's this? Its a book to make these Creepy Cute amigurumi!!!  Isn't it the cutest thing you've ever seen? (she also has a website you can get free patterns and info on books that's available! click here! to go to her site!
Not only its cute, the book was on sale! so naturally, I had to buy it!! 
So I started working on them as soon as I got home, until that is I found out about the wet carpet in the basement.. ugh!
I started making Grim Reaper, head, body, hood.  Then I started making corporate zombie for hubby, I'm not done with the zombie yet but I did finish the Grim Reaper.  You can use button for eyes but I made them using Polymer Clay like the book suggested. You also make the Scythe out of clay too! 
very very creepy cute right??


  1. That is totally creepy cute! My boys would love it though!

  2. @ Kelli, check out the other two I made! Creepy Cute part 2 listed on Blog Archive! Thanks for visiting and thanks for commenting!!
