Friday, March 4, 2011

In a pinch

I have this recipe that I got from someone who got it from someone and so on so I don't know where it originated or can really credit that true author.  If you are that person thanks for the great tasty recipe! anyway I love this simple yet tasty recipe and I use it often when I need to make a dessert for surprise guests or emergency sweet tooth attack.  Not sure what your pantry and your fridge looks like but I pretty much have these items in my pantry and fridge at all times.  Did I mention its very tasty?

Pear Tart     (pre-heat oven 350F)
1 ready made graham cracker pie shell, any brand (make sure its the regular flavor and the regular size no choco or extra large size!!)
1 can sliced pear
2 Tbsp sugar
1 cup heavy cream
2 egg
pinch of salt

drain the can of pear well
 two eggs, add sugar
 Mix it up well with a whisk
 add heavy cream and pinch of salt
 you can put the pear in the crust as is but I like to slice it so its pretty and evenly distributed.
 pour the heavy cream/egg mixture over the pear
bake in 350F oven for one hour
and its done! its tasty and its yummy!

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