Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary Hubby!

Today was my wedding Anniversary and though we talked about going out to dinner, we decided to stay in because I was mentally drained and spent thanks to our strong willed 5 year old)   I made strange combination for dinner,  meatloaf (my kid's favorite) and Spring Roll (hubby's favorite... I also took pictures so I will be doing a tutorial soon!)

Anyway so for my sweet sweet chocolate loving husband I wanted to make a sweet chocolaty dessert but its my anniversary I shouldn't be slaving over hot oven right?  I remembered I had this Lava Cake mix in the pantry.  So I decided that I will make these Lava Cakes.  (I found these at World Market, another one of my favorite store!!)

all you need is a box of these, 2 eggs, 3 TBSP hot water, little butter to butter the paper cups that comes with the box and cookie sheet to place the paper cups to bake them.

 First butter the paper cups
 Mix the mix, eggs, and hot water, pour in the cup and bake for 8 min!

Cool for 5 min flip them over on the plate. 

Its done!

Warm chocolaty oozing goodness!

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