Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Roll

One of my hubby's favorite food in the world is Spring Roll not Summer Roll (introduced earlier) which I LOVE but the fried stuff.  I don't know why they call it Spring Roll ? do you?? if you do please leave a comment to let me know. I did a quick googling and only thing I came up was because (China, Vietnam, and Thai) they all eat these around their new years which is Spring time so the name Spring Roll stuck..   In Japan we call them Haru Maki Haru = Spring,  Maki = Roll.  I can't say who came up with it first but it seems every Asian Country have very similar version.  My version is kind of mixed version of all Spring Roll, maybe more Thai just because of the Sauce!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the sauce... I think who ever came up with this sauce should win a prize!

The great thing about spring roll is you can just about put anything you want in them!! What ever you like you can put it in!! I tend to make mine veggies.  You can also put ground beef, shrimp, chicken, etc. try to stay away from watery veggies like tomatoes and cucumber..  Today I used Cabbage, onion, carrots, green beans in mine.

what you'll need:
 Spring roll wrapper/pastry what ever they call them.  They have different sizes available so you can get which ever size you like.  I personally like the medium size because it ends up being two bite size.  not too big, not too small.  I've seen Large, med and small size.  They are available in your local Asian market freezer.
 1 large onion sliced thin

 shredded cabbage and carrots.. I used to cut my own cabbage and carrots and one day I realize how similar my cabbage and carrots where to the coleslaw!!! it was a Ahh Haa moment for me. I use these now.. I'm all about short cuts!!

 1 TBSP Hon Dashi  I use Hon dashi its like bouillon except for its fish flavor.  Thai and some of other Asian countries uses Fish sauce, in Japan we use Dashi.  You can omit these if you like but I think it give depth to flavor.
 1/2 pound of frozen french style frozen green beans.. why french style?? its sliced thinly! short cut my friend short cut! I don't recommend canned stuff because of the water factor.
 1-1/2 Tbsp sesame oil.
 in a frying pan or a wok, heat sesame oil
 add sliced onion

 when the onion gets sweaty add the coleslaw mix

cook on med heat, add the hon dashi if using

add the frozen green beans into the mix and stir fry until veggies are tender the veggies should be dry not soggy.

Remove from heat and cool.

While the veggies are chilling, Make flour paste.  some will say use water but I've had spring roll open up during frying and ruined my oil so since then I have made a paste out of 2 Tbsp flour and 1-1/2 Tbsp water.  Mix well and its ready.

Take the wrapper out of bag, cover it with damp paper towel to keep it from getting dry and brittle.
 for the medium size wrapper, put about a table spoon of the cooled veggie mix (if the stuffing is hot it will make the wrapper to soft and soggy and may make a hole)
 roll it half way up
fold one side

fold the other side

roll it up

put paste on the corner

see its like gluing the envelope
roll it up and make sure its secure

Roll up all the veggies.  The package of coleslaw, 1/2 pound of green beans and 1 onion made 50 medium spring rolls, the package of medium size wrapper contained 50 sheets. Perfect! no waste!

 heat the canola or veggie oil in a wok or any pan you normally use to fry.

put one in to see if the oil is hot enough.  its hot enough wen it bubbles around the spring roll.

Fry them!

they are done when its golden brown! 

I found this Spring Roll Sauce at my local store so I bought it to try it.

It was on the sweet side and not as spicy as the other one so for the weak they may be a better choice but for me and my family I think we will stay with the sweet chili sauce for chicken.  its sweet, spicy magical sauce!

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