Thursday, September 29, 2011

christmast basket

Hi everyone! sorry for the absence but our house was filled with sickies starting with the little man then I got sickie then the hubby... still a little stuffy but apparently not contagious.  Today I want to share with you a very cute basket I made but will not be showing you the one I made because I made a mistake and I don't want to show you so instead going to post the author's picture and post a link to her site where you can find the free basket pattern and pictures of this basket.  Juliana at A Hand Woven Life wrote the pattern and shared it on her website here is a link to the basket:  Jingle bell basket.  Juliana is very talented and a very good teacher! I visit her site often and learn lots of things from her! hope you enjoy the basket as I did though I will be redoing mine just because of the mistake I made... wondering what I did? well the basket calls for you to basically make 2 round base one natural color and the other one using red spokes.   When I put the two together to sandwich the bell, I put the red one right side on top and wrong side on the bottom so when I did the rim, it got hairy and yucky then I realized the mistake I made!

happy weaving!

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