Monday, October 17, 2011

Mini Loaf Basket

Hi all! sorry about the neglect yet again, but I've been running around like a chicken without a head and finally, I think I got grasp on things and maybe I will be back to posting as I once started and hopefully keep up because I have lots I want to share with you.  Today I'm going to share with you a basket pattern I got from Basket Maker's catalog and its called Mini Loaf Basket 2007 Only thing I did different was the handles.  I saw the pattern, I had everything but the handle they called for so I made my own handles. 

This Thursday I will post a tutorial on making your own handles !

This basket looks smaller than it does, hence the name "Mini Loaf Basket" in our house it be single person loaf! we love our bread! especially freshly baked bread!

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